Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Restart with a Wood Carving - Putri Dedes

During the last days I decided to start all over again. My original website is hopelessly outdated and full of bugs and I don't want to spend so much time to revamp the whole thing.
Thanks to blogger there are lots of nice templates which only need to be changed to your personal likes and requirements without all the HTML stuff. Of course I don't regret ever having learned about this stuff but all these hours on the computer - wew - never again.

I want to keep this blog/website nice and clean and simple, just a tool to show my work for those who are interested in it and what I love to spend my life time with. I have no idea whether I will be able to keep up this plan....

I'll start with my favourite wood sculpture which is also some sort of lucky symbol because I love to look at her mysterious smiling face, knowing that she harbours lots of my energy and happy hours.
May I introduce Putri Dedes, the Goddess of Transcendental Wisdom:

"Putri Dedes"
Goddess of Transcendental Wisdom
Size 23" x 28" x 19"
handcarved from pine wood

Here are some different views and details from the sculpture:

As you can see the throne on which the sculpture is residing has been carved separately:


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